night creatures
Are plants sentient beings? At certain times of day, in certain kinds of light, the plants in my garden seem to uproot and move about freely; seeking out the company of other, exploring their surroundings, making their opinions known.
Do they converse? Do they quarrel? I see in them the quest for companionship and the quest for solitude; the longing for meditative space, and the longing for connection.
Their innate otherworldliness shines through in these moments, and it’s difficult for me to distinguish them from other life forms, both known and not so well known to us - chiefly those inhabiting the ocean depths, and the interstellar reaches of our collective imaginations.
project statement
- Castor & Pollux
- Gucci
- Eurydice
- Andromeda
- Hydra
- Alcyone & Ceyx
- Gaia
- Tenebris
- Howdy!
- All Ears
- Omorfía
- Ascunción
- Two Against Nature
- Orion